Actually, there’s more

Saturday , 2, July 2011 4 Comments

We’re total badass kayakers, but we didn’t get pictures of it..  cause we were kayaking.  We did get some pictures of us doing whatever this is, which is also pretty fun.


4 thoughts on “ : Actually, there’s more”
  • tra says:

    did you kayak in stockholm? was it amazing?! am i thanked?

  • MOM says:

    I love the pictures!

  • MOM says:

    HOW was the water?

  • brs says:

    en fin, tra, you are thanked.

    and the water was nice, though I didn’t get in all the way.

    I have just spent like two hours blogging. NOT HOW YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SPEND YOUR TIME IN NORWAY. (though most of that was waiting for photos to upload…)