Last night, The Party Downers, (remember? beer rock?) played the Bottle with Frontside Five and Sweet Cobra. It was a great show, and they finally got back to their roots and played a cover. (“We’re an American Band” by Grand Funk Railroad.) I didn’t get any pictures of them because I was too busy screaming […]
As I sit here, on a plane to Houston from Chicago. I can’t think of anything but how much I’d rather be eating the dinner I had last night. It was great… Well the salad was the standard mixed greens and honey mustard dressing, but the other two were more interesting experiments. The pepper was […]
Just when I thought she couldn’t get any less likable, Clinton picks a Celine Dion song as the official campaign nauseator. Granted, maybe I should wait to judge it until I figure out what Obama’s chosen. I’d hate to make fun of Clinton, only to have to make excuses if whatshisname picks something worse. Actually, […]
I just read something rad. Basically, back in the early 80s, they would encode video games onto vinyl. You’d make a recording of the sounds on the vinyl, and then load the sounds, via a cassette, onto old computers that could work that way. That sorta blows my mind with its technological sweetness. I’d say […]
…and all I’m going to do is link to this page. Don’t worry about any of the words, just check out the pictures. They are awesome.
Sandwich on wheat bread. Fried tofu, chipotle cheddar cheese, grilled red pepper, lettuce, honey mustard.
Perhaps you weren’t aware, but I’m now an expert in php. By expert, of course, I mean I know how to use includes and I wrote some sweet code in php and now I’m calling myself an expert. But seriously, php is rad. I feel like someone who just started listening to the Shins when […]
So I didn’t really flesh out why I liked Obama, other than to say that I don’t like anyone else.  I don’t want to get into the policy stuff yet, mostly because I’m lazy. But the character thing is important. He’s a self-made man type, who made it to all teh fancy schools as a […]
I’ve stayed away from writing anything about politics for a long time. There’s actually been a lot I haven’t addressed, mostly cause I haven’t addressed much of anything, especially recently. But tonight I think I will change that. Maybe it will inspire me to write about the immigration bill, a month too late, or the […]
This weekend I went on tour with Days Off. A great time was had by all, and we all have to give a big thank you to Joe and Tia, not only for being in a sweet band and playing rad songs, but also for hosting an awesome house show on Friday night. Fellow Project […]