so another week is over. and thats the way it goes. i am at home in chicago and i must say, i had the most pleasant taxi ride home. i told the guy my addres, and he knew how to get there. he didnt ask a single question, just drove like a pro and talked on his cell phone in what must have been french. i had a driver in stl from tanzania. it strikes me that i probably knew more about tanzani in third grade than i do now. man. of course, i know a lot more about mainframe computers now than i did back then.
i wonder, can you just be sorta brainwashed? like.. well, not like, but imagine someone is giving a pill, i suppose it makes sense that you would not get the full effect.. potentially you could just a part of what the pill is supposed to do. so you can be partially brainwashed the same way.
brainwashing. thats funny. my bar/laundromat should be called brainwashers. that would be a good name for any bar. or anything. brainwashers independent baptist church.. oh come on now, i didnt need to get all religious.. toe the line.
so tomorrow is a big day. i get to talk about my performance as a cog. i hope i’m a good cog. i try at least to be pleasant. i use excel to help me write sestinas. i miss the point.