i am eating this veggie food, and it tastes like veggie food i have had before, but i cant remember where or what, but i feel like i have had it a lo. it is not very good, but i am in teh kinda mood where you just need to eat some veggie food. the mood is also called being a hungry vegetarian. so there you go. i made a burrito with a lot of cock sauce on it. man, koreans sure know how to make a hot sauce, i tell you what. i think it is korean. it is certainly cock sauce, and i highly reccomend it. it has a rooster on it, and rooster sauce does not assonate, so to speak. so to write.
so i don’t know if I ever mentioned it (though I could find out easily enough) if you search the internet for “bar awsum” you will find my log, which is weird, cause i thought it was a big secret. so, search for bar awsum hear the stupid things i do all day.
anyhow, today my friend john came over and we drank a few beers and went to get lunch and coffee, then he left. I spent the rest of the afternoon reading the internet and putting together another list to send promo stuff to. then i went to grant’s house and I stuffed 70 or so envelopes with CDs and one-sheets for jumpsuit, and I will try to mail them sometime soon, perhaps monday from st. louis, though I would prefer if I could somehow do it without taking them on the airplane with me. mostly because they take up a lot of space, but also cause they are all sealed and ready to mail, and I dont want security to open them looking for terrorism or something. they say the fbi has a something or other that can read peoples emails to find out about terrorism. weird. i wonder if that is true.
tomorrow is sunday, and my big plan is to pack and generally take it easy, becaus eI am a busy man and I need my rest every once in awhile. last week sucked because I got sick while I was in st. louis. on tuesday night i got sick, and i skipped work wednesday and thursday morning, but it really sucked because wednesday around mid-morning, my battery on my laptop gave out, so I couldn’t watch any of the dvds I brought with me (home movies, season 1). i had left my power cord in my cubicle.
incidentally, office life is still unfulfilling, for those of you who are considering leaving the ministry in impoverished countries to help improve efficiency at gigantic corporations.