so there’s a lot of taLk about intelligent design and creationism. man oh man. made in his own image. six thousand years. and made in his own image. so this record is good. i had not heard this band before, but my roommate likes it so there you go. in other news, it’s been a […]
so i wanted to go see the briefs, and if you recall, i called the club and they said the briefs played first at 7. that did not make sense, but who am i to say? so i made all my plans, showed up at the club at 7, and found otu that in fact […]
so they should only be called co-workers if they do work with you. i mean, they contribute. man. mine are weirdos. they dont like still, they think i’m a weirdo for going to punk rock shows. its totally high school again. totally bizarro. i need a new job. i’m complacent, but still… i dont like […]
so an ibm commercial was just on tv. ibm is my sworn enemy, but it’s kinda like i’m on the globetrotters and they’re on the generals. wel, thats the way we like to see it. anyhow, i hear that if i’m gonna get a raise, I will find out about it this week, though I […]
i am eating this veggie food, and it tastes like veggie food i have had before, but i cant remember where or what, but i feel like i have had it a lo. it is not very good, but i am in teh kinda mood where you just need to eat some veggie food. the […]
so here’s a bad sign. almost very one of my blogs form st. louis does not have a type of music, but rather the name of a television show or a movie. that is lame, although big fish is a heck of a movie. so today I worked until 730 or so, and then I […]
so i definitely do not win the prize for consistency. it has been almost a week since i last posted, and its been an exciting week. so i kept working last week, i did not even think about quitting. it was good. then friday therer was the jumpsuit show at bar awsum, there should be […]
so today a few things happened. some people at work were clamouring for a rental car, because apparently they need it and they are afraid of walking around at night in st. louis. probably they should be. anyhow, i mention that i’ve been taking the bus and that it works pretty well and gets around […]
so hotel life man. it is rad. well, its not. but lets get on with it. i had to walk to the laundry place today and i lost my tickets and it took like a million years to get them to give me my clothes, but then i got them, and then i walked to […]
so like a moron… like the moron that I clearly am… every day when i get to work, i plug in my computer to the power outlet and the phone, then i plug in my mouse and lock the computer. four cords make my computer awesome. then i unplug them all at the end of […]