good morning

Friday , 15, July 2005 Comments Off on good morning

Where is Cory with my keys?

That is the question that I am asking right now. I accidently dropped my keys in his car, and he is supposed to come and drop them off, but he has not yet done so. Oh well. He will be here soon.

This was a pretty fun couple of days, and the Jumpsuit show is tonight, so it should be even more fun pretty soon. Slingshot Dakota, some rock’n’rollers from Strong Island have been in town. They played a show last night at Gunther Murphy’s, and it was pretty awesome. They are very good rock and rollers. They are friends with Joe from the Fellow Project. They are still asleep, though they should wake up soon cause they have a lot of driving to do.

In related news, the Jumpsuit show will be sick. I am psyched and a half on it. More news later.