
Wednesday , 13, July 2005 2 Comments

…even a bottle of wine is not loud enough to overpower your brain.

that said, i have not had a bottle of wine in awhile, i was just thinking, you know, sometimes it’s not. the bright eyes album digital ash in a digital toilet or whatever sounds like bad cure i got the cd for free at a giveaway at a rock show a few weeks ago, and it is not awesome. it is also not terrible, but whatever.

noise addict, on the other hand, is pretty rad. with or without a song about even dando.

my brother and sister are both married. that is wierd.

chicago will be graced by none other than joe jerkins tomorrow and thursday. the peasants rejoice. heck everyone rejoices. that dude is just that rad.

i have been reading my whitman biography, and it makes me want to do my whitman movie even more. i think he would appreciate it. i will explain my whitman movie… actually i think i already have. either way, it will be a silly waste of money, but i think it would be kinda fun. i just want to drive around the country with a camera and film things. if you do something, someone will be impressed, right?

once when I was sixteen I sped on the way to school. when I was sixteen, kyle, chris, melina and i would carpool from my house to go to school. melina would get their first usually, then kyle. chris lived about two blocks away, and I don’t mean city blocks, I mean suburb blocks, which are basically nothing. anyhow, from his house two blocks away he would drive his car. So all day every day while I was in highschool the four of us would drive to school together. it was fun. then i stopped being friends with one, lost track of the other, and finally, lost track of the other. sometimes i try to use the internet to find them, but I find I don’t really care that much, or it is impossible.

i’ve got my own bad manners to deal with. and i’m not ashamed of liking bukowski.

2 thoughts on “ : sometimes…”
  • schnyder says:

    I’m pretty sure you’re referring to washa. He lives in Nevada. But you might not care that much.

  • brett says:

    yeah i was talking about him. i wonder who schnyder is.. actually i think i do know, now that i think about it. i’m flattered that you read and responded. send me an e-mail, tell me what is up… on the off chance you get this message.