Can we finally say who the Democratic nominee for President will be?
YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! …Yes. We can.
(Ever notice that Clinton supporters chant “Yes She Will!” at their rallies? Not only will she not, but that’s creepy.)
So nearly a tie in Indiana and a pretty good sized win in North Carolina, now we’re just waiting for Clinton to drop-out or join a longshot ticket with Rush Limbaugh. (He is responsible for her win in Indiana, right, as well her her win in Texas and who knows where else.) So… Obama. I never thought it would happen.
I had told my sister last Christmas that I really wanted it to be a McCain-Obama race. At the time, I was convinced it would be Romney versus Clinton and I would vote for Nader again. But I lucked out. The American people proved me wrong. We were given an exhaustive list to choose from, ranging from who? to crazy to terrible to actually-kinda-okay to great, and on both sides we chose great. (For the record, those candidates were Gravel- Kucinich- Clinton- Richardson- Obama on the left and Thompson- Paul -Romney-
(?)- McCain. Yeah, the Republicans didn’t have any actually-kinda-okay candidates, though they did have tight competition in the terrible category.)
So America is a country that has, for at least once in the last decade, demonstrated an impressive ability to choose their presidential nominees. I really can’t wait. The only really bad thing is that I was always kinda hoping that both candidates would have been snubbed by their respective parties and formed a SuperTicket, somehow. Though I’m still disappointed that that won’t happen, at least I can be pleased that two fellow Irishmen will be fighting- not over the last Guinness- but over the Presidency and the FUTURE OF THE NATION.
(Yes, that last sentence was a strained joke based on a willing misunderstanding of the Democratic nominee’s surname. Yes, it’s a joke I’ve made often before. Deal with it.)
okay, first off, starting with the last bit, that WAS a funny joke. O’Bama it is!
then, moving up your post: seriously, you had to include something to be disappointed about, didn’t you? brett.r.sutton:you.r.eyore.
previous to that: nice presidential-hopeful lables… gravel in 2012!!!
and FINALLY: you made a promise that you didnt mention… i wonder why?
are you just waiting for the official announcement to make your move?
i can neither confirm nor deny any promises I made based on the outcome of the primary elections.
o’bama. freakin’ great joke.