so here’s what really sucks about travelling. When you have to take a day off work because you aren’t feeling well, you have to stay in a crappy city where you dont know anyone and you don thave a doctor, etc. Anyhow, it sucks. Total suck factory. Suck=Sick=Suck.
Anyhow, the other problem with my getting sick is that it turns me into such a baby. I really should exercise and eat more healthily, because I am not very fun to be around when I’m not feeling well. I act like its the end of the world. Whew… Well, I suppose maybe it is.
the good thing about the whole thing is that I figured out who my insurance company is, and I know my little numbers and stuff that I need to go see a doctor. The bad thing is that I never actually made a doctor’s appointment. Seems St Louis is pretty busy when it comes to Doctors, so I’m just oging to work my way through it. so this is how I’m sick. Monday I had a bad crick in my neck so I went home to rest. Unfortunately, when I woke up on tuesday, it had spread into my shoulder and down my bvack, and by last night I had a bad headache and I felt like my right eye was beating like my heart. But this morning I feel better and plan on going to work. Then again, I haven’t gotten out of bed yet, so who knows. I might ge tup and it could be the worst its been yet, though I’m not really interested in missing more work. If i don’t get to work by noon, it will be more than two days! That is not awesome. So much for taking Friday off. (I was planning on takin Friday off.)
So the astros are heartbreakers. I mena, ,this series really has been even, but you wouldnt know it by looking at the standings. Down 3-0! At least we can’t blame Lidge for this, but we can blame our crappy hitters. How many runners did we leave on in teh tenth through 14th? Like a million. Somehow, we left a million runners on four bases overe four innings, and yet we managed to not score. Geez Louise. Oh well, the red sox did it this year, I’m sure the Astros will do it this year. .. I’m so sure. I could eail y just start rooting for the sox.. maybe that would jinx them! then the astros would win, and. well I’d still be angry and have a bad neck.
Anyyyyyyyyyhow, next week I’m going to do training. That will be fun. And this weekend I have to pay a bunch of bills. So. Anyhow. I should get out of bed and see if I am as well healed as I think I am. Yes, that is what I will do.