this is my work day

Tuesday , 4, October 2005 1 Comment

i am going to try to so something that I have not done. I am going to try to write this while I am at work, little bit at a time, all day long. This violated the important premise that one cannot be fired for his blog, because in theory it happens at home and on your own time. Not the case today. This is stolen time, this is a stolen blog.

so for thosee of you that I have the remarkable opportunity to look closely at my hands, you might notice that I have had an ongoing, life long battle with biting my nails. The tendency has waxed and waned over teh years, but in recent weeks it has come back to the forefront of my behavior. And that makes me angry, and I am going to put a stop to it.

I have found teh reason that I most often begin messing with my nails is that they somehow seem to me like they deserved to be messed with- they are uneven, they are too long, there is something wrong. An di try to fix that, and it ends up in disaster. so my solution is that I am going to take really really good care of my hands. I am going to cut and file my nails every other day- excessive, but I think it’s how I need to start. I also plan to keep my hands very well moisturized. It just seems like a good idea. With that in mind, last night I went to Target to buy some hand cream. I wasn’t quite sure what do get, it’s not a decision that I have had to deal with often in my life- what kind of hand cream to get. I settled on Nivea creme, mostly cause it comes in a cute container and it’s large enough to last, but small enough to be discrete. And so far, so good, though it has made my hands greasy. The thing is, I go to the bathroom so often and wash my hands so often, they can easily get dried out, so I apply lotion every time after I wash my hands- starting today anyhow. So the hand sare always in a constant state of just-having-been-lotioned, which might be a good idea. I know this sounds all very silly, but really I just want pretty hands. Not even pretty, just hands that aren’t really ugly. I don’t know how long it will take, an dI’m sure it will be a war full of battles lost and won, but I’m confident that in time I could develop hands at the caliber of an amateur hand-model. We shall see.

I am going to post this now that I’ve thought of it, but I plan to continue with more stories from the cube later in the afternoon.

One thought on “ : this is my work day”
  • me says:

    wht about that stuff from restoration hardware? shall i get you some?