Blog Archives

Boy oh boy, what a weekend it was.  This was perhaps the greatest Thanksgiving of my entire life.  Actually, that’s not true, but this year was notable for being the first all-vegetarian Thanksgiving I’ve ever had. Like most folks, I got started doing the cooking last Wednesday, when, after a trip to Whole Foods, Trader […]

Taylor Clark, writing for Slate, has an article (“Vegetarian myths, debunked“) today that should be mandatory reading for all non-vegetarians.    Pretty much everything he says is exactly right.  Some of his points that hit closest to home for me: Some people call themselves vegetarians and still eat chicken or fish, but unless we’re talking about […]

This being winter, I’ve been doing a lot of staying inside and eating soup.  Soup is delicious.  Whether it be corn chowder, tomato, black bean, butternut squash, or anything else pureed and added to water, I’m going to love it.  Every day for the last two weeks or so I’ve had a bowl of soup […]

Uh oh. Legend has it that the second and third largest beer companies, Miller and Coors, are going to be joining forces. Apparently the two biggest purveyors of sub-par beer need to combine forces to compete against the St. Louis Special. For the most part, this won’t affect me at all. Old Style isn’t made […]

First off, please pardon the terrible title to this post. Those who know me personally (that’s probably 100% of my readers) know I love stupid wordplay like that. Still, I think I scraped the bottom of the barrel a little too hard with that. Seriously, Veg-aganda? Is Vegeganda any better? I don’t think so… Anyhow, […]

I’d previously posted little bits and pieces about what I thought regarding being a vegetarian and the political/ecological spin it takes. This week, I noticed a handful of articles about vegetarian proselytizing and how annoying it is. First, via Drudge and the Moderate Voice, we have this article: Activists take Al Gore to task on […]

Not this is really news, but there’s a new study out about the carbon footprint resulting from eating beef. This also consumed 169 megajoules of energy. That means that 2.2lb of beef is responsible for greenhouse gas emissions which have the same effect as the carbon dioxide released by an ordinary car travelling at 50 […]

As I sit here, on a plane to Houston from Chicago. I can’t think of anything but how much I’d rather be eating the dinner I had last night. It was great… Well the salad was the standard mixed greens and honey mustard dressing, but the other two were more interesting experiments. The pepper was […]