Citymanjaro 2015, Day 1: Arusha Blood to the Head

Tuesday , 14, July 2015 Leave a comment


Arusha city.

Arusha city.

First time waking up in Africa proved to be uneventful, just like we like it. Breakfast at the hotel was delicious. The staff said “You’re welcome” frequently- the way we might say “Bon Apetit” or “here you go” or whatever- not just as a response to “Thank You.” Which was honestly kinda jarring at first, cause it felt like they were always preempting our thanking them, or subtly reminding us that we should be thanking them or something. Eventually we figured out that it was just what they said, but even at the end of the trip, unexpected “you’re welcomes” still caught me off guard.

Yes, you come to the blog to hear what I think about you’re welcome.  Point is, breakfast was good.


We didn’t know how tired we’d be, so we wanted time to acclimate or something, but basically we didn’t have anything to do this day, but all the energy that comes with being in a new place for the first time.  Our contact in Tanzania offered to make arrangements for us to explore the city of Arusha and the cultural center/art museum/cash-extraction-center a little bit, which we did. We saw the market, ate at an American-friendly restaurant filled with wifi-addicted tourists, and spend a looooot of time t-shirt shopping. (I got one with the pretty handsome Tanzanian flag on it, because i like t-shirts that announce my vacations.)

Beans, yogurt.  Even a Spanish omlet (not pictures.)

Beans, yogurt. Even a Spanish omlet (not pictures.)

There was still no sign of anyone from our group. And no internet at the hotel, so we’re just kinda hanging out, wondering where everyone is. But there’s food at hot water, and that’s really all I ask. Ever.