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new on brettroyal:: Lokrum: 00:27:02, 2014-07-22 new on brettroyal:: When You Kotor Away…: 05:51:16, 2014-07-22 new on brettroyal:: GUEST POST!!!!! Off-Trail Brambling: 14:49:22, 2014-07-22 @sociolinguista Don't forget the pre-aspiration! in reply to sociolinguista 00:12:17, 2014-07-25 new on brettroyal:: Last Day (imagine several sad face emoji): 00:32:40, 2014-07-25 RT @NEAarts: Major news: […]

Remember how last week I got on a plane and flew to Hungary then took a train to Debrecen?  Cool.  So that’s where I am.  And remember the “c” is like in pizza.  The alternate title to this post was “Da Brett’s In”  like “The Brett is in” which, you know, is great, because using […]

new on brettroyal:: Mouse Pads at the Uffizi: 16:47:45, 2014-07-14 new on brettroyal:: The Sworn Enemy of Guilder(s); On a Boat: 02:05:42, 2014-07-19 new on brettroyal:: Zadar & Plitvice & Zadar: 02:40:33, 2014-07-19 new on brettroyal:: Making like a tree and leaving; Vela Luka / Gradina Bay, Korcula: 03:31:21, 2014-07-19 new […]

🙁 🙁 🙁 See?  It’s sad.  This is our last day. So. We left Kotor in a really nice cab.  We usually sat in the back seat, American style, and I was never sure whether the drivers thought we were being weird.  Oh wait, that’s a lie, we didn’t leave it in a cab; we […]

So in one of his more questionable moves, Brett asked me (me=Becca) to write up one of the posts about our trip. This is questionable because he’s painfully familiar with my sense of humor, which mostly consists of atrociously corny dad jokes that don’t make anyone laugh but me. So if you hate this post, it’s his fault, […]

Man!  Kotor!  This is the last stage of the trip, which means that I’ve nearly finished writing about it it, but also means the trip is nearly over.  Also, it means that the category for these posts is now incorrect, as the third country has been added.  Oh well. Montenegro was always part of our […]

Someone suggested the other day (you know who you are) that it seems like I didn’t enjoy Croatia.  Which isn’t the case.  What I think happened is that I don’t enjoy crowds, and Croatia being so lovely, there are a lot of people, a lot of crowds, a lot of non-enjoying Brett.  But whenever we […]

So here’s the deal. I don’t disklike Dubrovnik. It’s a charming city. Everything is white and the stone streets shine from hundreds of years of footsteps polishing them. There’s a wide variety of old buildings- some are a little taller, some are a little shorter. There are churches and stuff. But.. I don’t love it. […]

@Daresie I heard it smells bad in the summer. We are missing it???? in reply to Daresie 13:47:41, 2014-07-07 new on brettroyal:: Lucca-t these photos!: 01:31:59, 2014-07-09 new on brettroyal:: Five Kinds of Vegetable Chips: 16:12:05, 2014-07-11

Korcula.  Were I a less lazy man, I would put the little hat on the ‘c’- it’s an affricate, but not the affricate that you think it is.  Well, you probably don’t think it’s an affricate, or don’t care, or like, whatever, but the point is that I am lazy and the ‘c’ should be […]