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You guys, for the next few days, I’m going to pretty much just be walking with a group of dudes, complaining about bugs, and trying to not tell the same story a third time, so I’m not sure how much narrative these posts deserve. So I’m gonna be kinda rushed. Anyhow, what’s important? Remember how […]

Hey dudes! So even though I haven’t yet posted pictures from our days in Edinburgh, I wanted to skip ahead so I could let everyone (my mom) know what we’re up to as we’re up to it. So this is from earlier today, and then hopefully some time in the future I will get around […]

In Edinburgh, we all met at the train station. First class to Glasgow, cause we’re fancy, another train to somewhere.. like, Balloch or something. Taxi to our hotel, check-in, have snacks, enjoy the view, get ready for the next day. Hardly worth a post, truth be told, but there’s a few pretty pictures.

Man, I’ve been waiting to use that title for a long time. One of my biggest problems with the second largest city in Scotland is knowing how to pronounce it. I remember the spelling, I think, because there’s a city of a similar name in Texas, and one guy I met from there told me […]

Thursday. British Museum, Tower of London. We made plans to go to the British Museum in the morning, then go do other stuff the rest of the day. Unfortunately, teh British Museum is kind of incredible, so we pretty much spent all day there. There’s maybe something that makes you feel guilty being there, seeing […]

In the interest of catching up, here’s not very much info. Dad and I met last Wednesday! I’m nearly a week behind! Crap! First day in London we basically just walked around. A lot. And took some city buses around, which I like. Here are pictures.

Man, playing catch-up is the worst. Oh well. So my second day in Cardiff was actually a lot like my first, as it consisted of just kinda walking around, taking photos, being cool, etc. I spent the day with an Australian guy from the hostel, and it’s always great having someone to wander around with. […]

You guys, I’m a machine today! TWo posts, now I’ll only be two or three days behind. But, I’m sleepy, so limited words. Cardiff, Sunday. Hostel, wander around, take photos, have snacks, etc. Find bar with punk show, enjoy show, enjoy bands, great chats, mutual friends, small world, etc. Got invited to go to a […]

School’s out, I’m on my way to Scotland, and, as usual, playing catch-up with photos.  Not much in the way of interesting photos, unfortunately.  Don’t worry though- I’m not gonna let that stop me from posting them. Unfortunately, some of the more notable events of the past weekend went undocumented.  The true Champion of America […]

This probably doesn’t deserve an entire post, but whatever. I went to this bar last week, where I had some beers with some friendly local guys. They organized an open mic night at the bar Wednesday nights, and they suggested I come by next time. As a rule, I think open mic nights are terrible, […]