Giving Blood

Thursday , 18, September 2008 2 Comments

I got a call yesterday from the local blood folks asking that I give blood “because of the hurricane in Texas.” So I am now on my way to the blood place, where they will take two pints of my… I want to call it heart juice.
I have type B+, which is middle of the road in terms of value and rarity. My sister is the same type, and I would bet that Grant is too, but I don’t know for sure. Unbelievably, its never come up in conversation.
I like my bllod type, pretty much cause I used to have a t-shirt that proclaimed it proudly. I like that its middle of the road, like I said before. It’s not like I’m some weirdo AB- freak that only shares blood with like three other dudes, but I’m also not on the gigantic 0+ bandwagon. Just like in real life.
I’ve heard that blood type is a big deal in Japan. I wish it were so here. It would be like one of Vonnegut’s granfaloons, perhaps. Or at least like college football.

2 thoughts on “ : Giving Blood”
  • Kt says:

    Hey… I’m B+ too. Ummm so yeah, there you go.

  • tks says:

    hc’s on the O+ bus. loud and proud she is!