Hey, what’s more interesting than reading my boring blog? Reading ABOUT my boring blog.
Seriously. My sister was very concerned today because someone spent a long time looking at her blog, and they got to her blog via mine. Hyperlinks! Anyhow, we talked about the IP address, which I won’t publish because that’s bad form, but that person has also spent a good amount of time reading my blog, so I got curious. Also, the IP is owned by Amoco, which means that someone is using valuable company resources to see pictures of my house and my sister’s daughter. That’s probably why gasoline is so expensive. (Of course, whatever IP databases exist could be out of date or something, but let’s imagine it’s some high-flying oil tycoon who’s super interested in us.) So, if you’re that person, let us know. Just cause we’re curious.
In other about-my-blog info, I’d like to thank Tracy and Colin for combining for a whoppin’ 50% of all my incoming non-search engine traffic. Way to go! Also, I see that nearly half my readers still use Internet Explorer, which means they weren’t able to view the latest video. I’m putting it on YouTube as we speak, which should eliminate that problem, but people need to wise up and use them some open source browsing software. That’s where it’s at!
Finally, a round-up of my favorite search terms. #1- “Porshe” Whoever came to the site because of that keyword will surely have been disappointed to find I was blogging about a faux-German technopop outfit and not the fancy cars. My apologies to you, sir. #2- ” stray dog submissive peeing around men” Unforatunately, this person was probably looking for advice, like I was a few weeks ago, and instead just found my brief mention. (Dog update: He’s peeing waaaay less as late, so that’s good. Bad? He’s going to be leaving me on Wednesday, I think. I’m going to miss him for sure.). #3- “flying nun anniversary box set” Finally, someone found some useful information. Last summer I ordered the box set from New Zealand rather than from Amazon, saving myself a ton of money. Hopefully that person followed my advice.
What lessons can we learn from this three search strings? Basically a third of the time, my posts are totally useless. A second third of the time my posts are on topic, so theoretically useful, however not helpful. The final third of my posts are, I hope, actually helpful. 33% ain’t bad!
In related box set news, I got a 2-disc collection of teh Best of George Jones. I just got it for the definitive “A Good Year For the Roses”, however the rest of the collection is also totally sweet. Good workin’ music, if I do say so myself. I mean, it’s enjoyable to listen to while you work. It doesn’t, unfortunately, necessarily lead to good work. (Related note: If you’re interested in feeling totally inept and frustrated, consider redoing an apartment. Every day’s a bad day!)
haha. you’re funny. if i looked at my OWN blog stats, i bet 90% of its traffic would be from you.
as for the IE thing, i usually use safari, and sometimes browser sniffers consider Safari to be IE. sometimes not though, so if it says Safari on there it’s probably me. but if it doesn’t say safari at all then a good portion of your IE views are probably from me.