Monthly Archives:

Happy Halloween! Hope everyone either gives or gets a lot of candy, depending on your current life and economic situation. To celebrate this most auspicious of holidays, my sister is holding a virtual pumpkin carving contest. Go vote for my pumpkin! Also, eat candy.

This is what I look like now. The mustache is two weeks old tomorrow.

She still has a person name, but apparently it doesn’t have an H. That’s good to know.

Maybe you haven’t noticed, but I haven’t written anythign substantial in more than a month. That’s not going to change just yet, though I do have something to say about Updike’s Rabbit series, my month in music, and some fun gardening pictures to add. Maybe next week. In the meantime, something tiny…I noticed this a […]

This is Sarah. She has a person name. She was found leashed to a vet’s door, and now she’s living with me for awhile. She is very sweet, but she’s a bit too old to be bothered with the stairs. That’s okay though, because we made a bed for her on the landing in case […]

Vegan Eggplant Lasagna, fresh herb salad, freshly baked ancy bakery bread. It’s kinda awesome spending an hour cooking a meal for just one person.

Uh oh. Legend has it that the second and third largest beer companies, Miller and Coors, are going to be joining forces. Apparently the two biggest purveyors of sub-par beer need to combine forces to compete against the St. Louis Special. For the most part, this won’t affect me at all. Old Style isn’t made […]

I know someone would be interested in this. I could have just e-mailed her, I suppose. But I decided to do this instead. Coming tomorrow: the results of my day in the garden with cedar mulch.

This is what I look like.

I just think it looks cool. I am at their practice. They don’t practice mucch when they practice.