
Wednesday , 9, May 2007 2 Comments

Via Indietastic, I came across a neat tool called the Mainstream-o-Meter.  The idea of the thing is that you put in your user name, and then it compares all the music you listen to and compares it to what other people listen to, taking into consideration how much you listen to a band, how many other people listen to it, etc.  You can see my results here.  the first time I did it, I got a 10.65%  mainstream percentage, but then I waited a little bit, gave it time to scan the rest of my plays, and it came up with 11.49%.  I’m not actually sure what those numbers mean, but I understand that if I was 100% mainstream, then my favorite/most-listened-to bands would be the same as most other people.    Given that I’ve got a pretty high percentage of relative unknowns like Adult Rodeo, Track Star, Mint Chicks, etc, it kinda ruins it.  Or makes it better.  Depends on your angle on the whole thing.  Incidentally, I looked up some of my friends who use  I’m even less mainstream that my hipster Brooklynite friends.  That can only mean one thing: time to get a job.  All this sitting around listening to bad music is making my hair grow long…

2 thoughts on “ : Mainstream-O-Meter”
  • Pearl says:

    Who comes up with this stuff?