day 2

Tuesday , 7, March 2006 Comments Off on day 2

so day two has begun!

recap of yesterday, real quick. I had to go pick up my car at the tow yard, and it was awful. It took an hour and a half to get there. I went West on JAckson for about a million years, then north on kedzie. I got off at when the bus said Sacramento on the little screen, cause the place was at Sacramento, but when the bus says Sacramento, it is actually four blocks away from Sacramento, so I had a heck of a march to the place, kind of like the scene in Trains, Planes, and Automobiles, right when Steve Martin is walking back from the rental car lot. I waas in my work clothes and I got all muddy by the time I got there.. But the people, although super slow, were pretty nice. So I got my car back just fine, it was cool.

Anyhow, I went to Whole Foods, and evne though it had just been a day at that point, it was still really hard being around all that food- especially all the delicious Whole Foods stuff. But I got my lemons and my water and came home, made my stuff, and drank some laxative tea.

Now its Day 2. The laxative tea, for what its worth, did the job quite well. Nothing bad happened, nor any real close calls, but it was a nerve-racking. I haven’t been that hungry yet, although I am a little hungry right now, I havent had much of my stuff yet. Just a glass this morning. But so far so good. There was a sign at the bus stop yesterday, when I was the hungriest and in the worst mood, of a guy eating this croissant that was like 18 inches wide. jerk.

btw- my throat is feeling better. I might have just been being a hypochondriac. ALSO- delicious snack for those who are eating- Peanut Butter Sandwich with the Korean hot sauce that has the rooster on it, familiarly referred to as “cock sauce.” It is delicious, really. even better than oatmeal with mustard.