Good Style at the Colbert Report

Thursday , 7, June 2007 2 Comments

Sometime in the last few days Jessica Valenti was on the Colbert Report, to discuss a new book on why young chicks should dig feminism. This morning I watched the interview online when I was playing Daily Show/Colbert catchup. I have to get my laughs somewhere. It was great, the book looks great. Actually, Colbert often annoys me when he’s interviewing people, but I thought that interview was pretty good. Great. As I continued my normal daily operations, I came across a post somewhere, I forget where, that linked to Feministing, the blog the Ms. Valenti writes for. Great. Having had my feminist pump somewhat primed from viewing the video, I clicked on through. So I read some post, thought some thought, looked around on the site, and saw that she had linked to photos of her hanging out backstage at the Report. Obviously, I had to see what was up.

I perused the photos- they were fine. A lot less interesting when you don’t really know anyone in the photos, and the backstage area was pretty nondescript. Then, at about the fifth picture or so, it got very, very, very interesting. Check it out. If you can figure out what’s awesome about it, then you’re awesome too and should help me pick out place mats. If you’re lost and need a hint, click here, but only if you want a hint.

Bottom line: Not only is the Colbert Report great comedy, someone there has great design instincts.

ALSO, sorta unrelated, but I deleted all those stupid camera phone videos I took of Arrested Development and embedded a chicken dance montage from YouTube. Check it out.

ALSO, still unrelted, I’m going to New York this weekend. Well, tomorrow. Well, today. I leave in like 4 hours, and, in the interest of sleeping in the car, I am staying up late tonight. So I’ll be blogging not much, which has been par for the course recently. There will probably be some photo moblogging. I can’t help that. I’m going on tour with Days Off.

2 thoughts on “ : Good Style at the Colbert Report”
  • colin says:

    that damn visor candle holder

  • tk smith says:

    i got it! i got it! nice candles