32 oz. of luke warm water and salt

Monday , 6, March 2006 Comments Off on 32 oz. of luke warm water and salt

I am doing the “master cleanse.” Look it up on google or something. Wow. Anyhow, I figured I would reinstate the blog for the 10-day duration of the cleanse and talk about what it is like to not eat anything but lemons, water, salt, syrup, and cayenne pepper. It should be pretty awesome.

Anyhow, I just did a pretty fun step. My first day on the cleanse has started, and I woke up at 6am, if you can believe it, to drink 32 oz. of luke warm water and uniodized sea salt. That was pretty disgusting, i must say. And it felt like an entire gallon, but i think it was just a quart. Wow. So now I am waiting for my “bowel movements” to occur, which is kinda gross to mention, but from what I’ve read, I should really be careful, cause.. when they come, they will come hard, and I don’t want to be stuck on the bus when they do. I just hope I’m in the clean by the time I need to go to work (745ish).

Wow. I gotta go get ready for work adn stuff.. man. I’m getting nervous. Wow.